Resilient Tirupur brainstorms current opportunities
The 5th edition of Resilient Tirupur, organised by Tiruppur Exporters Associatio...
Experience Sharing Workshop with IBT partners and their supplier factories 14th Dec 2017
Sudokkho organised anexperience sharing workshop with Debenhams on 14th Dec...
Tajikistan: Strengthening export competitiveness of SMEs in the textile and clothing sector and enhancing trade support institutional capacities
Tajikistan:Strengthening exportcompetitiveness of SMEs in the textile andclothin...
“3G-Tailor” Training for Tajik Clothing Companies
About20 trainers and sewing machinist operators from Tajik clothing companies wi...
Tajik textile and clothing industry gets assistance from ITC to improve productivity and quality
The International Trade Center has been making efforts to assist the Tajik texti...
Benefit for Business and Workers Project by Impactt and RBC recognized at Guardian Sustainable Business Awards 2013
For many working in global supply chains the conditions remain poor – low wage...